Copy Constructor in Java: A Complete Guide 2024

Copy Constructor in Java: A Complete Guide

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When developing applications in Java, the importance of object copying often surfaces. There are situations where you might need to create a copy of an existing object with all its attributes. A common way to achieve this is by using the copy constructor.

In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into what a copy constructor is in Java, how to implement it, and some best practices to ensure effective use. We’ll also touch on the differences between shallow and deep copy constructors, and highlight some frequently asked questions (FAQs) around this concept.

Copy Constructor in Java

What is a Copy Constructor in Java?

A copy constructor in java is a special type of constructor in Java used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. In simple terms, it allows us to clone or duplicate an object. It takes another object of the same class as a parameter and copies its properties.

Although Java doesn’t have a built-in copy constructor like C++, we can manually implement it in our classes to provide this functionality.

Why Use a Copy Constructor?

In Java, copying an object is important in many scenarios, such as:

  • Preventing aliasing (when two or more references point to the same object, and changes in one reference affect the other).
  • Preserving the original state of an object while making a backup or modification.
  • Avoiding the overhead of re-initializing objects.
  • Achieving more control over how the data is copied compared to other methods like clone().

Syntax of a Copy Constructor

The basic syntax of a copy constructor looks like this:

class ClassName {
    // Instance variables
    private int variable1;
    private String variable2;

    // Constructor to initialize the instance variables
    ClassName(int variable1, String variable2) {
        this.variable1 = variable1;
        this.variable2 = variable2;

    // Copy constructor
    ClassName(ClassName originalObject) {
        this.variable1 = originalObject.variable1;
        this.variable2 = originalObject.variable2;

Here, the copy constructor takes an object of the same class as a parameter, then copies the values of its instance variables into the new object being created.

Example of a Copy Constructor in Java

Let’s implement a copy constructor using a real-world example:

class Student {
    private int id;
    private String name;

    // Parameterized constructor
    public Student(int id, String name) { = id; = name;

    // Copy constructor
    public Student(Student student) { =; =;

    // Method to display details
    public void displayDetails() {
        System.out.println("ID: " + id + ", Name: " + name);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a new object using the parameterized constructor
        Student student1 = new Student(101, "John Doe");

        // Creating a copy of the student1 object using the copy constructor
        Student student2 = new Student(student1);

        // Displaying details of both objects
        student1.displayDetails();  // Output: ID: 101, Name: John Doe
        student2.displayDetails();  // Output: ID: 101, Name: John Doe

In this example, student1 is created using the parameterized constructor, while student2 is created using the copy constructor. Both objects contain the same data.

Shallow Copy vs. Deep Copy in Java

When dealing with copy constructors, it’s important to distinguish between shallow copy and deep copy:

  1. Shallow Copy: The new object is a copy of the original, but any references within the object are shared. For instance, if the object contains a reference to another object (like an array or a list), the copy constructor will copy the reference, not the actual object.
  2. Deep Copy: A deep copy creates a completely new instance of the original object, including any referenced objects. This is more complex but ensures that the new object is independent of the original.

Shallow Copy Example

class Address {
    String city;
    String state;

    Address(String city, String state) { = city;
        this.state = state;

class Employee {
    String name;
    Address address;

    Employee(String name, Address address) { = name;
        this.address = address;

    // Shallow Copy Constructor
    Employee(Employee employee) { =;
        this.address = employee.address;  // Shallow copy

In the above example, the address reference is shared between the original and copied Employee objects. This means changes to the address in one object will affect the other.

Deep Copy Example

class Employee {
    String name;
    Address address;

    Employee(String name, Address address) { = name;
        this.address = address;

    // Deep Copy Constructor
    Employee(Employee employee) { =;
        this.address = new Address(, employee.address.state);  // Deep copy

In the deep copy example, we create a new instance of Address, ensuring that changes to the copied Employee’s address do not affect the original Employee.

Best Practices for Copy Constructors in Java

Here are a few tips and best practices when implementing copy constructors:

  1. Use Deep Copies When Necessary: If your class contains mutable objects (like arrays or lists), ensure you implement deep copies to avoid unintended side effects.
  2. Avoid Circular References: Ensure there are no circular references within the objects you’re copying, as this could lead to infinite loops.
  3. Maintain Consistency: The copy constructor should ensure that the new object behaves like the original. Any invariants of the original object should hold for the copy as well.
  4. Mark Unnecessary Objects as final: This will ensure that once an object is copied, its fields cannot be modified, thus providing immutability where appropriate.

Alternatives to Copy Constructors

  1. Clone Method: Java provides the clone() method to create copies of objects, but it requires implementing the Cloneable interface and is often considered less flexible than writing a copy constructor.
  2. Copy Factory Method: Instead of a constructor, you can also use a static factory method to return a copy of the object.


Q1: Can Java have multiple copy constructors?
A: No, Java does not support method overloading for copy constructors. You can have only one copy constructor per class that takes an object of the same class as its parameter.

Q2: How is a copy constructor different from the clone() method?
A: A copy constructor provides more flexibility and control over how the object is copied, while clone() is a native method requiring the implementation of the Cloneable interface. The copy constructor is also less prone to errors compared to the clone() method.

Q3: Do I always need a deep copy constructor?
A: Not necessarily. If your object contains only primitive data types or immutable objects (like String), a shallow copy will suffice. However, if your class has mutable objects, a deep copy is recommended.

Q4: Are copy constructors required in all classes?
A: No, copy constructors are not mandatory. However, they can be useful in scenarios where you need to duplicate objects or maintain immutability.

What is a Copy Constructor in Java? (Google Snippet)

A copy constructor in Java is a constructor used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. It takes another object of the same class as an argument and duplicates its fields into the new object.

ClassName(ClassName originalObject) {
    this.field = originalObject.field;

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